The year of the defence

The last blog you saw was the match report between Germany and Costa Rica and I stopped after that because it was like you needed my match report like you needed Mr. Sven to take another forward to the World Cup and not use him for England.Anyway it is good thing I stopped, this has to be ..wait I don't know if this World Cup is worst or is it The 1990 World Cup? WEll at least in 1990 we had some skillful entertaining teams like Yugoslavia, Germany, ok get ready...England!and Cameroon, Brazil were surprisingly not good in this World Cup with their stiff play ( I am talking about the 1990 edition, but what the hell throw in this year's edition too).

World Champions Italy seemed to have stumbled their way to winning the cup, the French were good and reminded me of that great 1982 French World Cup team there was flair in this team and France were so different from the World Cup in Japan-Korea and the UEFA Championship in Portugal.

But the Whole World Cup was a disaster...and to top it off we had two players who advertised soccer in big way... the wrong way. Materrazi and Zidane incident really was not something for the kids to see, after the World Cup we were all left with a bad taste in our mouths, we gulped everything in the World Cup from the build up and right through and suddenly we just wanted to vomit out everything.We only hope that the next World Cup in South Africa will be more exciting...yes this was the year of the defenders, a defensive World Cup with bad play and sadly Brazil left their football souls in Brazil probably in the beaches of Rio.


Anonymous said…
I think you are a little harsh with your comments on the World Cup being the worst......probably if Brazil went all the way, you wouldn't think it that bad, eh? (Grin)

In retrospect, I think the first round matches were mostly entertaining and surprising at times. On to the second round and the matches started to get that much more technical and played with a defensive strategy much more than flair and skills. Yes, and who could forget that sham of refereeing in the Australia vs Italy match which was probably decisive in determining that Italy went all the way!

In my opinion, I think it was interesting to see Germany and Mexico surprise the world with their largely attacking gameplay which is sorely missed in most matches by other teams. Hopefully, since the next World Cup is being hosted in a new continent with harsher weather conditions, let's all pray that a new generation of players who play with skills, flair and an aggresive attacking mode will dominate and football fans over the world will have a real fiesta wherever they are. At least for that 1 month, the world will stop it's wars and killing and focus on the green!

Oh yes..........and this time, GERMANY WILL WIN THE CUP!! :)